Reo Kennedy

Adult Commercial Street Tutor

Reo Kennedy started dancing at the relatively late age of 16 but immediately discovered a passion and talent for dance. She studied dance at Sheffield Springs Academy Sixth Form for two years and achieved two Distinction * and a Distinction in her BTEC National Diploma.

She came to Hype Dance in 2012 where she took street and contemporary dance classes which led her into Hype’s Hip Hop performance group, MatriX.

She was also lucky enough to take part in ARC 2013/14, a pre-vocational dance course during which time she studied Hip Hop in depth. She graduated and went on to be an assistant on the course the following year.

In 2014 she passed her BATD Freestyle Associates Teaching Exam with Highly Commended and continues to teach classes, do outreach work, private classes and many other projects with Hype.

Teaching at Hype is like having an extended family. You can go into a class and completely change your mood for the better just by dancing.

– Reo Kennedy

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