Private Dance Tuition

Private Dance Classes

Are you worried about your upcoming wedding first dance? Do you have an audition and want help preparing? Do you want to work towards gaining a qualification in your favourite dance style? Have you got an upcoming exam session that you want to prepare for? Are you a complete beginner and you would prefer to learn on your own? Do you just want to dance for fun?

You can take private dance lessons for any reason, whether you would prefer to learn on your own rather than in a big group, or you have something specific you want to work towards.

Thank you so much for helping my daughter, she really looks up to you. These privates are 100% a good investment. This last piece, I love it so much, it’s incredible. Just thank you!

– Parent of a private tuition student

Private dance tuition can be in any style including ballet, contemporary, jazz, tap, hiphop, commercial, streetdance, heels, breaking, stretching & acro. We usually lead the private sessions in one of our dance studios, but could also arrange to come to you, provided you have a suitable space.

Because you will have the undivided attention of one of our professional dance tutors, our private dance lessons are ideal in helping improve your dance skills at an accelerated rate and are tailored to your learning style.

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